Dateline: Frank’s Pizza \ Rural Hall, NC \ August 16 2011
Our little Tuesday night ride is gaining in popularity as we had our biggest turnout for the latest edition of the Frank’s Ride. Is it the small drop in temperatures? Is farm-to-market roads with very few cars? Is it the eye candy offered up by the Sauratown Range? Is it having the Doc Wheelies Rolling Bicycle Service Van ready with support? Is it the beer and pizza at the start/finish? Its probably a combination of factors, but it sure is fun pace-lining these wonderful roads!
Doc Wheelies was able to help two riders with timely service. One friend needed 2 new mountain bike tires and we were able to hook him up without him making a special trip. Another friend brought along a spare road wheel that has a broken spoke; he plans on picking up the repaired wheel on another Tuesday night Frank’s Ride. At the conclusion of the ride we groused about what route to ride next Tuesday. There was talk of the ‘tour de cliffs’ which rides right up under the quartzite cliffs of Sauratown Mtn and Cook’s Wall… yee haw! Well, we’ll see…